Note: There is a website dedicated to the Liane Deasy Memorial Swim here:


In the summer of 2017 as both a logical progression from the daily morning dips and as a way to raise money for Epilepsy Ireland I decided to compete in the Leinster Open Sea Swimming race calendar. These are weekly sea races put on by swimming clubs in Leinster varying in distance between 1.5km and 2km. (There are longer/much longer races but I never took part in those - at least not yet!). I joined Glenalbyn Masters and competed in Seapoint, Killiney, Bull Wall and the Liffey. I met some really generous and friendly people and the atmosphere at the races was open and fun. It reminded me of the laidback and kind people at the few IMRA races I'd done.

The goal at the end of the season was to swim in the Liffey Swim in September which I achieved alongside one of my swimming sidekicks Peter Lord. It was an amazing day and gave us both a lot of memories and good times. I felt like Liane was watching that day, spurring us on along with all our friends and family who came to see the event. It was something special I'll never forget. Afterwards I thought to myself "how about we hold a race in Liane's name and honour?" and the idea for this swimming race was born. 


The 2019 swim will take place on Sunday July 14th in Killiney at 11am. More details to follow closer to the date.


So, at 7pm on August 8th 2018 the inaugural Liane Deasy Memorial Race took place just off Killiney Beach. There was a Men's race and Women's race as well as prizes, snacks and some wonderfully good weather. Full details can be found on the race website here: The Liane Deasy Memorial Swim. Thank you to Glenalbyn Masters, especially Declan Culliton and Caroline Brennan for their time, advice and hard work. Thanks to all the volunteers involved especially Eoin McDonald, Peter Lord, Rob Kiely and Shane Jansens. And thanks to my friends and family for their love and support. 

The future

The swim will be an annual event and will raise funds for Epilepsy Ireland, an important charity close to my heart.  

Big Love, Mark x